Russell VanBrocklen - Author Tip - Write Based Upon Your Passion
When you write a book or an article, people tend to begin seeing you as an expert in that particular field, as one who knows the subject being written about. For this reason, it is important for you to write based upon your passion so that their opinion of you is proven true in time!
For example, my passion is to help others know God and enjoy
the wonders of walking with Him. My strong desire is that many may come to see
that it is wonderful, delightful, fulfilling and satisfying to serve Christ and
to walk in their true purpose for being. For this reason, I wrote books like,
"How to Pray & Get Results," or How to Meditate In God's Word
& Why." I also have a passion for seeing people succeed in life. I
just love people excelling in the game of life. So, I wrote books like, "Diligence,
the Master Key to Achieving Your Dreams." Hence, I write Christian living
books and books that teach success principles for effective living. Even my
novels highlight these themes. Because I write based upon my passion, writing
to me seems easy and I get a joy and satisfaction from it that is truly
edifying. I love what I do.
Ensure that you are writing based upon what interests and
thrills you, or based upon things which deeply concern you. Aim to write
because it is your intent to help others or to inspire others to be better,
live better and do better. Even if you write novels, ensure that each one has
some sort of positive message, something that the reader can take and use in
some measure to improve himself/herself. Let your writing matter, let it count!
When you write according to your passion, you will discover
that your heart will be in your words, and people will feel them.
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