Russell VanBrocklen - Good Writing Tips - The Basics of Writing
Your thoughts, brilliantly and skillfully expressed into words, should encompass a good writing. While poor writing strips down the English language, a good writing, articulately lifted from the deepest corner of one's brain, can transform an uncomplicated thought into a priceless masterpiece. However, before a writer could have successfully created his work of genius, obviously, he must start from learning good tips that focuses on the basics of writing.
From the word basic, you know it is necessary, vital and indispensable. It is basically important, for instance, to know that words have meanings, that even if they just keep floating in your head, they beat and create sounds; sounds which may arrive glowing or awful to the reader's ears, depending on how the writer delivers them. These words become striking and stunning especially when they come from your deep moments of thought. According to Wordsworth, these are "Emotions collected in tranquility." It is that which takes you to distant places, and what makes you laugh, or weep. It is that which make you sad or cry. It stirs the feelings of your readers inside. It is what brings you to your clients when you absorb well the basics of good writing.
Learn the Facts
Aspiring to become a good writer is not as easy as putting
together words you take from so many sources. That kind of gesture will put an
end to your writing career before it can take off. That easy writing strategy
can expose you to a trouble, like plagiarism.
It needs conscious awareness that learning how to write is
difficult, so don't do it the easy way. Your skills did not just come out of
the blue. It was not taught to you in only one course. Neither was the training
given in only one subject that you had in college. You earned the skill through
writing a lot: in journals, in your business letters, in your theme writing
classes. To learn writing, a person must really write. It is a hard fact that
fresh writers should know by now.
Recognize Your Ability to Read
Read, read and read. I always hear this, coming from expert
writers giving advice to the novices. I've read this from writing tips, and I
have it followed strictly to tag along their footsteps. When writing conventions
are not followed, you know where to find your place. You become one of those
writers all over the place, a writer "everywhere," but certainly not
with respected publishers who are vying to print out your piece, for the public
to take pleasure in reading.
Take an edge over the others by reading poetry. Poets are
thinkers also, aside from being dreamers, who can train you to do something
beautiful out of the words you have. Notice how they can summarize the
essentials of nature and its scenery in a bouquet of words only. Is it not that
when you read voraciously, and understand every word of it, mastering the art
of writing becomes so easy and self-expression becomes effortless?
Getting Organized
Now you know how words can sway or put people to sleep. You are
now aware that words can enlighten folks, or attract a crowd when used
correctly. But words can disperse your most valued client too, which should
warn you not just to write for the sake of writing. You need to get your
writing, the ideas you put into it, organized.
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