Russell VanBrocklen - 5 Writing Tips For Any Type of Writer

 All writers can use helpful tips now and again. The best writers hone their craft because they know it will strengthen their presence as a writer. It will also help them receive a publishing deal and or freelance writing assignments. Most writers know that there's always room for improvement. Whether you read it in a book or online, use the tips and apply them to your writing. You may not be a fiction writer but something you read on a fiction writing website could help you with your writing.

Russell VanBrocklen - 5 Writing Tips For Any Type of Writer

5 Writing Tips for Any Type of Writer


Read other writers. Most writers read their favorite authors; however, it may be helpful to read books, magazine and newspapers articles written by other writers. Examine their style, tone, and voice. Pay attention to the flow of their writing. Reading outside of your comfort zone will stretch your skills.


Write every day. Most writers do write every day. However, this can be daunting if you're starting out in the professon. Set aside a couple of hours per day to write. The more you do, the quicker you'll improve.


Challenge yourself. If you're used to writing poetry, write a short story. If you're used to non-fiction, try writing a fiction book. The more you challenge yourself the better. You may discover that you enjoy other genres other than your usual.


Use writing exercises. Strengthen your skills by taking 10 random words and write a short paragraph or story from them. Think of a scene or scenario and write a few pages around it. Doing these writing exercises will improve your skills because you'll be stretching your writing. You'll also give your brain a good work out.


Enroll in a writing class or workshop. A writing class will expand your knowledge in a certain area. Perhaps you're interested in screenwriting; take a class on character development and dialogue. The more knowledge you have in your genre of writing the better. Attending various classes/workshops will improve your writing and get you out of your comfort zone.


Honing your writing skills will set you apart from other writers. If you're not learning something new about writing, you won't grow. Don't become stuck or have tunnel vision when it comes to writing. Take a chance and get out of your comfort zone. Play with different styles, tones, and voices. Try writing humor (not easy) because it will stretch you as a writer. Try writing in the third person if you're used to writing in the second or third person. Push beyond your self-imposed limits and you'll go far as a writer.





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