
Showing posts from July, 2022

Russell VanBrocklen - Good Writing Tips - The Basics of Writing

 Your thoughts, brilliantly and skillfully expressed into words, should encompass a good writing. While poor writing strips down the English language, a good writing, articulately lifted from the deepest corner of one's brain, can transform an uncomplicated thought into a priceless masterpiece. However, before a writer could have successfully created his work of genius, obviously, he must start from learning good tips that focuses on the basics of writing. From the word basic, you know it is necessary, vital and indispensable. It is basically important, for instance, to know that words have meanings, that even if they just keep floating in your head, they beat and create sounds; sounds which may arrive glowing or awful to the reader's ears, depending on how the writer delivers them. These words become striking and stunning especially when they come from your deep moments of thought. According to Wordsworth, these are "Emotions collected in tranquility." It is that whi...

Russell VanBrocklen - Five Important Article Writing Tips

 Are you new to the article writing business? Then you might have been having some difficulties as to how you can break into the upper levels of the market. You are surely in need of articles writing tips that will make you write very fast and well. The fact is that there are no schools that teach article writing. Those who have made it to the top have relied, for the most part, on tips they received from established writers. This piece will give you five of those article writing tips. Content is key   This is the first and most important of all article writing tips. Keep this in mind all the time. If you want to succeed, then you must pay attention to the content of your articles. If you don't have the requisite knowledge of the topic, there are two things you can do. Either you don't write on it at all, or research and get the information before you write. Don't feed people with your ignorance. You will not be forgiven for that. Give a good title to your article   The n...

Russell VanBrocklen - Quality Article Writing Tips

Content is the king' this phrase goes right for people who are into this world of writing. Writing is a thing which helps in expressing one in a proper way. The article writing tips can be useful for the writers to improve the quality of their writing. There are certain tips which can be used for effective writing.   The first important task before starting off any article is the selection of an apt title. Writers should always select the topic which interests them. A background knowledge of the selected title helps in writing the best piece. Article writing help acts as a guide in bringing innovation in writing. The next most important part of the writing is the content. As said earlier content is the king, so a proper write up always helps to make the article of superior quality. The content should be engaging and full of facts. It should be such that it does not create boredom for the readers. The content writing should be done with utmost care. It should be free from the gr...

Russell VanBrocklen - 5 Writing Tips For Any Type of Writer

 All writers can use helpful tips now and again. The best writers hone their craft because they know it will strengthen their presence as a writer. It will also help them receive a publishing deal and or freelance writing assignments. Most writers know that there's always room for improvement. Whether you read it in a book or online, use the tips and apply them to your writing. You may not be a fiction writer but something you read on a fiction writing website could help you with your writing. 5 Writing Tips for Any Type of Writer   Read other writers. Most writers read their favorite authors; however, it may be helpful to read books, magazine and newspapers articles written by other writers. Examine their style, tone, and voice. Pay attention to the flow of their writing. Reading outside of your comfort zone will stretch your skills.   Write every day. Most writers do write every day. However, this can be daunting if you're starting out in the professon. Set aside a coup...