Russell VanBrocklen - Things You Must Know Before You Hire ANY Professional Writer
In this article we're going to look at four things you must know before you hire any professional writer. In order to get the results you want, you need to be clear about your expectations and be able to convey them in a way that the writer will understand.
When things go awry in a writing project, the number one culprit is usually poor communication. In this article you'll learn how to communicate effectively with any writer(s) you choose to work with.
1. The first thing you need to know is not all writers are
created equal. Some are copywriters, who work on direct mail, advertising and
promotional pieces. Some writers are journalists, who work for newspapers. Some
work as ghost writers. And some writers work for magazines, creating articles
on different topics, such as health, lifestyle, technical topics and more.
2. Before beginning a project, ask the writer for samples of
their work. Many writers will be able to provide print samples and/or published
works online. Ask for references and see if the writer is involved with
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Interview the people who wrote the references
and see if they hold up in real life.
And while it's acceptable to ask a writer for examples of
published work, it's not OK to ask a writer to create a free sample. That's a
red flag to many a professional writer.
Because it's a common scam online. In this case, the
employer asks the writer to create a sample article. More often than not, the
job doesn't exist; the "apparent" employer absconds with the work and
the writer doesn't receive a penny. If you ask a writer to create a sample
piece, be prepared to pay for it.
* There's one caveat to this rule. If you're hiring writers
from outsourcing sites, it's wise to administer a short writing test (usually a
paragraph) on a subject you know well, as a screening test. The reason for
doing this is twofold: To make sure that the writer can deliver, and also
because on outsourcing sites, profiles can be faked and if you hire someone
without doing your due diligence, you could wind up with substandard writing.
3. Some writers also have other skills, such as the ability
to produce illustrations, photography, screen shots, video and more. It's
important to find out up-front what the writer can do. If the writer can cover
these areas for you, it will save you valuable time. Bear in mind that if the
writer offers these services, expect to pay more for a project.
4. When working with a writer it's important to be clear
about what you want. Here are some things to consider:
• Have a clear outline.
• If writing a book or manual, break things down by chapter
and section.
• Do you want the writer to edit their own work or will you
take it to someone else?
• Do you expect the writer to create and build a layout in
addition to writing?
• Make sure you have detailed writing guidelines and/or a
style guide. If possible, provide writing samples. This will make it easier to
get the results you want.
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