Russell VanBrocklen - How to Find Your Voice In Your Writing

When I first started writing articles and blog posts to promote my business I found it very difficult to express myself. As a trained teacher I found it easier to "teach" rather than add my own personality into the piece of work I was creating. Over time I realized that the writing I generated, although sound in fact, was dry and impersonal and not so interesting to the reader. When you read content by someone who's found their voice there's a certain ring to it. You can read their passion and love for what they do in their writing. The process of 'finding my voice' in my writing is an ongoing one but I thought I would share some pointers with you that may help if you're new to writing. Begin by writing about what you are passionate about If you're a beauty therapist and are passionate about makeup in particular, write and publish several articles on the topic. Ask yourself: What's a topic that people ask me about and that I could talk about ...