
Showing posts from August, 2022

Russell VanBrocklen - Writing Tips - How to Write Articles Fast

 Article marketing today is one of the best way to drive the traffic to your website. It is recommended by many internet marketing gurus, they even recommend it as the first traffic generation method you should use before the others. You can do article writing with no cost and it can really drive a highly targeted traffic to your website which is mean high conversion rate. The problem is that you will need quite many articles to drive traffic that convert. In order to deliver those quite many articles you will need a good fast writing skill. Yes you can buy articles out there, but if you are just starting out and do not have enough money to buy them you will need to write articles yourself. In just a second from now you will find out some writing tips on how to write article fast.   Writing Tips #1: Write Articles About Things You Already Know   When you have enough knowledge on what you want to write you will need less time to search some more information outside...