
Showing posts from June, 2022

Russell VanBrocklen - Writing Tips - How To Improve Your Writing Quickly

 Need help with writing? Knowing how to write well is certainly a useful skill to possess. Many people tend to think that mastering English writing is a difficult task. Hence, they give up after trying hard for a little while. Don't lose hope! Here are some great writing tips that will help you improve your writing tremendously in a relatively short time.   Tip 1: Don't ramble. This is a very common mistake made by people who have poor writing skills. When they ramble, they are not paying attention to any of the grammar. As a result, their sentences become very long. Such sentences are commonly known as "run-on" sentences. Avoid writing such sentences. The longer the sentences, the more prone they are to mistakes. Long sentences tend to contain more grammar and punctuation errors. If you know you have poor grammar, use short and concise sentences. Tip 2: Give yourself more time. Writing can become second nature - that is, until you become good at it! Before you do...

Russell VanBrocklen - Top Ten Writing Tips To Help You To Write More

 Here are the ten writing tips that can help you to improve your skills: => Tip One: Pay attention to images   Your right brain thinks in images, and when you write, you translate images from your right brain into words. Usually this process happens so quickly that you're unaware of it. If you can make this process conscious, you can goose up your own creativity. Stephen King calls this process "writing with the third eye --- the eye of imagination and memory." => Tip Two: Making mud/ laying track   Your first draft of any piece of work is "mud" --- raw material. Julia Cameron refers to your first draft as "laying track", another term I like.   If the first draft's awful, great! It's meant to be. It's only raw material. However, if you don’t create the first draft, or you wait until you have a really great idea that's worth a first draft, you won’t write anything. Write. Make mud.   => Tip Three: Just write --- th...

Russell VanBrocklen - Good Article Writing Tips To Ensure Your Articles Are Read

 Are you looking for good article writing tips that will get your articles read? After all, why else will one write articles. Especially in the internet world where it is continuously proclaimed that "Content is King".   There are many people who just do not like writing articles. It is just too much work and a waste if no one reads them. For a person who is reading the article, it can be a real pain if the article is not worth reading. Articles are meant for reading. To enjoy and get useful information from. What are some good article writing tips? It really does not have to be difficult. Just follow some guides and watch out for some points. Once you get the hang of it, you can actually start enjoying it. You can use this technique to make your site profitable.   The first of the good article writing tips, is that you should be writing about something that you know about. Or will research and get to know about it. Then you will find it easy to write about the topic ...